Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Memorial Weekend

I can't believe how long it has taken me to post something, just a few days but it seems longer. I've gotten so used to writing often that I felt like something was missing in my day. This has been such a busy week. Good but busy, so I haven't really had much of a free second to write. Plus, my hubby, Ella and I have all been feeling still a little crummy since are last battle with the stomach virus. Tuesday night, I came home from work, played with Ella as much as I possibly could, passed her off on my husband (which he loves) to put to bed, took a hot bath and went to sleep. This morning I felt much better after forcing myself to actually get 8 hours of sleep, something that only happens if I am ill. I forgot how great 8 hours of sleep feels! It's very rejuvenating. I don't get out of bed with squinty eyes, stumble into Ella's room with barely enough energy to carry her from her crib to her changing table, all while cursing the light. I really need to do the 8 hour thing more often.

Anyway...enough random thoughts.

We had a fantastic Memorial weekend. We really didn't do that much until Sunday night, since I missed our Saturday service due to our enemy, the stomach bug, attacking.

Sunday night we went to a surprise party for a good friend of ours from church, Holly. Her boyfriend, who many know, planned this huge party for her at the Oasis. She was very surprised, and so was everyone else in the restaurant, when 50 people suddenly yelled SURPRISE.

Monday, we went joined the Murrell's at our friend's Kristin and Todd's for the day. It was very fun. The babies played and played. We started outside in their fun baby pool fountain thing. Then it started raining and the babies started shivering so we put them in a warm bath.

This is the first time Ella has experienced dirt. She is such a prissy girl. I'm not kidding. It's pretty funny at times and adorable how prissy she is. So far she is not much like her mama. I was very much a tom boy. My daily activities growing up always included climbing a tree or two, watering down dirt just so I could play in the mud and getting stuck on the roof. However, my mom did tell me that one time when I was Ella's age, I was playing in my great grandma's backyard and walked in some mud and started screaming, terrified at what had just touched my body. So maybe Ella won't turn out as prissy as I'm expecting.

This was Ella's first time to play in Kristin's fun pool thing. It's the cutest pool activity I've ever seen.

As we've learned, Ella loves the swing.

This was my favorite thing of the day. Is there anything cuter than three naked babies taking a bath? Precious!


Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Cute pictures! Ella's swimsuit is adorable!

Kristin said...

Cute Cute Cute!!!! I am still laughing at how funny Ella was in that dirt! Laney didn't enjoy tonight's bath nearly as much as her last one.

MamaCass said...

Yes, I love the swimsuit! Where did you get it? :)

kittyhox said...

What cute photos!

My son loves dirt/sand/rocks. He tries to eat it all, by the handful. He isn't allowed in the backyard without a pacifier, to prevent him from consuming something backyardy.

I've been wondering if all babies are like this, or if it's a boy thing. So I was so interested to read that your daughter is already expressing her distaste for such things.

She is as cute a can be, by the way!

I love that pool thing, but I think my son would freeze to death playing with it, here in Seattle. It seems like a hot weather item.

Enjoyed the photos so much! Especially the multiple babies in the bathtub. I have GOT to make some friends with babies! It looks like too much fun!! :)

Jessica said...

I just tried to leave a comment, but I'm not sure if it worked (I'm so good at this blogging stuff, huh) Just wanted to say what a fun time we had with you guys the other night. Ella is such a cute walking baby, and I absolutely love seeing all the babies great to have built in besties!