Wednesday, April 04, 2007

AI - Top 9

There were some fun songs happening last night. I loved all the upbeat entertainment. For the most part everyone did really well. Some not so much. With a few, part of their songs were great and part were not so great. But they started of the night with a bang:

Blake - He did an excellent job. I love the tone of his voice. Next week I hope he does more dancing and beat boxing though. I miss that part of his performances. But he did a flawless job.
Phil - He got a huge compliment from Tony, that he is the best yet. But then I thought, well is he really the second person Tony saw or do they show the clips in a different order. The judges hated his song. The beginning was very boring, but then the end showed off his pipes very well. Simon was right though when he said it was gloomy and dark.

Melinda - It's hard for me to watch the rest of the show when my two favorites are at the beginning. She sang one of my most favorite songs. I remember when Mr. Holland's Opus came out and the incredible actress in the movie sang this song. I wanted to be her so badly that I ran out and bought the sheet music and practiced it over and over on my piano in hopes of performing this song one day. Melinda blew that actress away with her rendition and talent.

Chris - I thought he looked so cool tonight! He sounded great. Everything about it was great. And the judges loved it! Chris should feel good going into tonight's elimination.

Jordin - Beautiful, consistent, amazing! Simon did not love it. How is that possible? My only thing with Jordin is, does she seem a little over the top anytime she is not singing with her facial expressions and her constant showing her voting number with her hands to the camera? Is it just me?

Gina - She did a great job! I didn't think it was her best. Last week's performance was so amazing, it might be hard for her to top it. I am constantly amazed at how well she sings with her tongue ring in. I've heard people talk funny with those, let alone belt out amazing songs week after week.

Sanjaya - TIVO totally skipping! Only saw 5 seconds of his performance. Thankfully it was the part where he was dancing oh so ackwardly with Paula! I was a little thankful for my skipping DirecTV at this moment to save me the pain. Y'all someone tell me what the judges said! There comments are always so funny with him.

Haley - Evil satelite totally skipped entire performance!!!!! At this point, I am tempted to pull out my manly skills and unhook satalite from back of tv, figure out how to hook back of tv into cable outlet in wall. Oh, it's not skipping anymore!! Hooray! I didn't have to destroy our living room and create hours of work for my husband as he tries to undo the disaster I created.

LaKisha - Very intense song. She was almost my favorite of the night. The ending was incredible!!

Who should go?

Who might go? Without hearing her song, Haley.

Best of the night? For the 4th week in a row, Melinda!


Michelle said...

This is my prediction...
Bottom 3-Phil, Haley, Gina
Phil will leave. He does not have the legs.

Julie said...

Sorry about your Satelite troubles. I think Haley will go. Of course hoping you know who goes. But not sure we will be that lucky.

Melzie said...

ugh on satelite trouble thats the pits. I think Jordin is just young and immature. (with her constant gesturing :) xoxo melzie

Anonymous said...

ok you seriously need your blog name to say something about reality.... you are totally obsessed and i love it.....
The reality of the Hartfields!

Love you

Lolly said...

I just stumbled on your blog and enjoyed readig it. I saw your comment on Boomoma and noticed your name. My youngest daughter is named Janelle and we live in the same area. Looks like we also like the same shows.