Monday, April 30, 2007


1st Dances
Laila - She got two 10s and a 9. I am really starting to believe she might win this or at least be in the bottom 2, and I gotta say I think she deserves it.

John - He did SO much better this week!! That makes me happy! I really like John. I still think he should go home this week, but he has done a great job. And I love his partner Edyta. She is so sweet and has been one of my favorites since last season when she danced with Joey and they were so cute.

Apolo - Julianne looked gorgeous tonight and so elegant and I like that her hair isn't looking so platinum blonde. I kind of agreed with the judges or the one judge that the dance was a little safe. It was so cute and great, but a little safe in my opinion.

Ian - The judges last week told him he needed to give more like Billy Ray, so Cheryl had Billy Ray come in to their dance rehearsal one day to help him out. It was pretty funny. Although if I was Ian, I wouldn't want my competition helping me, but I don't think these are the ruthless/back stabbing competitor types. So the whole 90210 cast was there to support him. Interesting. It's sweet that they are all still friends.

Billy Ray - I was disappointed by this first dance. Seriously, he did zero in it. He stood there. Very unlike Billy Ray.

Joey - Their fox trot was amazing! Tonight he is way above the other dancers.

2nd Dances
Laila - Seriously, she could win this whole thing. Do you think it's her boxing that gives her such gracefulness? It has to be part of who she is. Her second dance was even better than the first. And they got a PERFECT 10!

John - Okay, when their song started, am I the only one whose heart raced thinking they were dancing to Vanilla Ice? If you have tivo, start the song at the beginning and it has the same exact beat. That would have been awesome. The judges felt like this was the best dance yet for him.

Apolo Oh - Totally on fire! They definitely ended the night with their best dance. That's smart. During the judging, was Julianne having some sort of a wardrobe malfunction? She spent the whole judging time holding the fabric of her dress up to her neck.

Ian - Very entertaining dance! The judges felt like their chemistry was back.

Billy Ray - He actually danced this second dance and it was great!

Joey - Did y'all see that high kick? That alone deserves a 10 to me. No, Lynn did not just say his dance was "nsync". Clever. And they as well got a PERFECT 10!

Definitely sure that John will be the one to go. After that, it's going to tough.

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