We had some internet problems so I am just now getting to my review of last night's American Idol. It has been driving me crazy not to be able to talk about it until now.
I must start by saying I am now a Gwen fan! Love her! She is so cute. I thought everything she said last night was honest and to the point. She didn't sugar coat her thoughts!
Lakisha - She finally did an upbeat song and I loved it. The judges loved it. My only problem was that Ryan Star, season one, sang this same song and it was awful. I can't ever hear an AI contestant without cringing regardless of how good it is.
Chris S. - Definitely off beat like the judges said. It was a little painful listening while the whole time trying to coax him back on the right beat. He could be going home tonight.
Gina - LOVED LOVED LOVED IT! My favorite of the night. Her voice was so smooth and flawless, it reminded me of Kelly Clarkson who is my favorite American Idol of all time. I'm so happy for her.
Sanjaya - I just can't handle it. I can not handle it. The pony tail mohawk put me over the edge. I sat on my couch, mouth gaped, stunned! Like the judges said, there just isn't anything left to say. And he FORGOT his words. America voted off Brandon, who is far better, because he forgot his words. So this is our chance.
Haley - It was okay but "forgetable" as Simon said. I really think she is going to be in the bottom two tonight.
Phil - Another one I LOVED! He was great last night! I thought it was his best performance and he keeps getting better and better. The judges agree, they liked it as well.
Melinda - I was so excited she did an upbeat song! Flawless as usually. She looked great, oh, there's Sabrina in the audience. "I LOVE YOU SABRINA! YOU SHOULD HAVE MADE THE TOP 12!" Janelle yelled at her t.v.
Blake - Great job. It was a very unique arrangement and I loved it. The judges loved it. I've heard a rumor that there is a male diva this year who thinks he has this competition in the bag but nobody has said who it is.
Jordin - The judges loved this song, but I did not. Was it only me? I felt like there was some notes that were totally off and it definitely did not show off her voice. But she did say that she wanted to do something different and fun, so I guess she did what she wanted to do.
Chris R. - I love his style. Sure last night wasn't great, but he is such a cutey pie. The judges liked it and I hope he stays around for a few more weeks. I enjoy his performances.
Who needs to go? Duh.
Best of the night: It's a toss up between Gina and Melinda. I loved them equally.
Paulina was eliminated last night off of Dancing With The Stars. I was in total agreeance of that. I would have prefered Shandy to leave this week, but Paulina wasn't that great. Totally and completely gorgeous and such a fun personality, but not that great of a dancer.