Monday, September 06, 2010

Ella Loves to Sing

One thing I love about Ella is her animation. Heath and I are both very outgoing and animated, so she didn't really have a shot at not being that way. She is rarely not making some kind of noise. Usually she sings. While she's watching t.v. she's singing. While she's going potty, she's singing. Riding in the car...singing.

She provides her own background music for just about everything she is doing. And if she doesn't know the words to the song, she either makes them up or just sings "la la la" to the tune.

I caught this video of her a few weeks ago singing in bed before she fell asleep one night. I couldn't resist.

Ella Singing in Her Bed at Night 5-29-10 from Janelle on Vimeo.

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Immeasurably More Mama said...

Oh, how funny!

Kelli said...

Tell Ella I think she has a huge hit coming :)