Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Clip On Bows!

Great news...Ella actually has enough hair now to put a bow in her hair that CLIPS on! I am definitely not going to abandon the adorable bows that attach to a headband, especially since the clip bows can't stay latch on for longer than a few minutes due to her super fine hair. But, I discovered this last week when Ella and I went over to Kristin's to help her pack all of Laney's stuff for Taiwan! Since Laney and Ella are about the same exact size, Kristin wanted to try a few outfits and hats on Ella to make sure they would fit her Laney. And then we thought it would be fun to attach ALL of Laney's hair bows in Ella's hair, or should I say Kristin thought it would be funny!! And it was!


Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Love the bow pictures! Ella's hair HAS gotten long!

Amanda said...

That's so funny!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! Love that...and the second picture is so funny...she looks a lot like Heath in that pic.

Michelle said...

i LOVE that little knit hat! so cute! she is adorable!