Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Last Day of School

This past week was Ella's very last day of Preschool. In 3 SHORT months my sweet baby girl will be going to a big kid school. A big kid school...my little girl. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel like I'm being punched in the stomach every single time I think about that.

Ella has attended the same preschool for the past 2 years and it has been AMAZING! We have loved this school. It was the perfect balance of fun and learning. And they are so sweet with the kids.

The school planned a field day for the last day. Heath and volunteered for the last half of the day, which was SO fun to get to spend her last few hours as a pre-k with her.

Pictures as we walked out the door that morning. Next time I take a pic like this it will be before she heads out for her first day of kindergarten and I will be the one bawling trying to steady the camera.

Hair painting! This just made her day.

Making a sand cross.

The bubble station

Ella and Abby. Her best girl friend from her class.

Face painting station

Pizza party!! YUM! Another pic of Ella and Abby.

Daddy helping pass out more pizza

Ella's 2 wonderful teachers from this year!

Ella getting stuff out of her drawer in her classroom for the last time.

A picture that her friend Abby drew her. Isn't that so sweet?

Ella getting her backpack out of her cubby for the last time. Tear! Can you tell I'm struggling with this change? My husband was seriously annoyed the whole day with my dramatic response to this being her last day. Ha!

One last pose.

So deep breath for next year. Any encouragement would be appreciated, moms? Ha!

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Easter Part 3 | Easter Day!

We had a great Easter day celebrating our risen Savior at church and with our families!

After church, we headed to my parent's house for Easter lunch and an Easter egg hunt. Ella scored 2 Easter baskets this year.

The one thing she wanted most of all was a jump rope.

Aunt Cathy & Meme swinging the jump rope for Ella. I had never seen Ella jump rope before and she surprised me with how well she did!

Ella loves to throw the ball for Meme's dog to fetch.

Easter Egg hunt time!

Ella getting some help from her Grandma

Ella and her Grandparents!

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Thursday, May 05, 2011

Easter Part 1 | Church Egg Hunt!

We had so much going on this Easter that this is going to have to be a 3 part series of pictures! :-) I know you're on the edge of your seat.

The Saturday before Easter was the annual Easter egg hunt at church! This is always a chaotic blast.

This year Ella's little drama class started the morning off with their Easter performance. They are called Drama Todds. As you can see, she is very shy. They sang us parents a precious song.

And the bow...

Ella and her sweet friend Klaire.

Next, we were off for the egg hunt. Standing on the starting line getting some coaching from Mr. Jared.

And their off!

Trying to get some pictures of her with these pretty flowers, her daddy was making her laugh as usual.

Sweet friends...Jonas, Samuel & Lily Kirk

More sweet friends. They were all comparing which eggs they found.

This next series of pictures make me so happy. I just can't tell you how much I love them. It's tradition for us to take pictures with these kiddos at the easter egg hunt every year. I think this is the 3rd year we've done this.

We were having some issues getting them to all sit still and look at the camera and smile. I just can't imagine why. So Jared decided to sweep in behind them running and yelling. Well this was the magic remedy. They were laughing so hard and we captured the sweetest moments.

This last one is my favorite. Of course it was not taken by me. Talented Amber took this one so I stole it from her facebook page. Thanks Amber!

Such fun!

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