Wednesday, May 26, 2010

8 Year Anniversary

Yesterday was mine and Heath's 8 year anniversary! It's hard to believe it's been 8 years! It has gone by quickly. It's so crazy to think how much our lives have changed since that day we said "I do".

We've had our ups and downs. Our good days and bad days. Our smooth paths and rough paths, just like every marraige. But I am blessed that I have a man who still loves and adores me. Yesterday, his goal was to make me feel special and boy did he do a good job.

First, that morning when I walked in my office, I found these on my desk!

A few hours later, I got a text from Heath asking if he could take his bride to lunch. So excited, but little did I know that he was kidnapping me and not taking me back to work. (Thanks bosses!)

We drove to downtown Dallas and ate at a yummy Mexican restaurant named RJ's. We had never been and it was yummy!

Delicious fajitas!

After we ate, we walked to my next surprise which was a tour of the 6th Floor Museum (the place where John F. Kennedy was shot from). Heath and I have always thought it would be interesting to go on this tour, but just have never taken the time to go. It definitely was interesting, but it was also a little creepy. It's a very old warehouse that is set up into a museum now, but standing in the spot where they think Lee Harvey Oswald stood when he shot the president was creepy. However, I do highly recommend the movie JFK with Kevin Costner.

I really need to work on my picture taking. With a real camera, I have the one arm take a picture shot perfect. But I obviously have not perfected the angle with my iPhone.

My next surprise was spending time with my sweet Ella. We got her from my parents and took her to see Shrek The Final Chapter. Ella loves Shrek so we had been wanting to take her. It was a blast. This part of the day was the most thoughtful I thought because Heath knew as much as I would love to have some time just the two of us, he knew I would also be missing Ella.

After the movie, we dropped her back off at my parent's house and headed to the Keg for a wonderful dinner!! I had the crab leg dinner. SO YUMMY!

This was a much needed day for us. Honestly, things have been a little stressful lately. We are just going through some trials of life right now and it was such a good reminder that no matter what, I am blessed. As funny as this sounds, I learned a little life lesson from Shrek yesterday. It wasn't until his entire world was taken away in the movie, did he realize what he had. I pray I never get to that point, but it was good reminder to be so thankful for my wonderful family!

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Laney's 4th Bday Party!!

Happy Birthday to our sweet Laney!! We had so much fun at your 4th bday party! Ella is blessed to have you as a friend.

Ella's favorite thing to do...jump in a bounce house!

They have so much fun together.

Kristin made this banner for the the kids to paint on for Laney. It was so cute until the paint markers started to malfunction and things got a little messy.

Craft time.

Sweet friends.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Easter '10

Sorry this is so late...I'm still trying to play catch up.
We had a great Easter! We spent the morning at church, which was a long morning because the praise team played in all 3 of our services. It was a blessing! But by the time I left the church that afternoon, I had already been there for 6 hours! Needless to say I was pretty worn out by the time we made it over to my parent's house for Easter lunch. But we still had a great time!

We always try to take some family pics after church with the Easter lilies.

Ella opening her Easter basket. She finally got the mermaid barbie that swims. She had been wanting this so badly. Ella very rarely asks for something that she wants, so when she does she means business.

She had a great time hunting for Easter eggs this year. I think she had more fun hiding them for the adults and helping us find them. She gave VERY subtle hints while we were looking like, "Mama, look under that flower pot. This one RIGHT HERE." She's precious.

Grandma, Grandad & Ella

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Friday, May 07, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt/Dying Eggs

We had a great Easter weekend. It was also my birthday weekend, so our family time was doubled.

Saturday morning we went to our church's annual Easter Egg Hunt! It's always very interesting. Last year Ella was kind of starting to get the concept but after about 5 eggs she decided she was done. I kept saying, "Ella don't you want some more". And she would just look at me and say, no.

This year, as soon as they blew the whistle, my girl went on a sprint. You would have thought those eggs contained hundred dollar bills in them by the way she was throwing them in her basket as fast as she could, which I guess chocolate to her is as valuable as a hundred dollar bill.

She got tons of eggs which means we still a month later have a pile of easter eggs that we still have not eaten through.

Ella is in a drama group at church called Drama Todds. So along with the egg hunt, the Drama Todds performed an Easter play for everyone that morning.

My sweet girl is very animated when performing in front of a lot of people. She definitely has zero stage fright.

Each child was assigned a letter and as their Drama Todds' teacher read a book called the Easter Alphabet, the child with that letter went and put it on the felt board. Ella was the letter T.

After the Egg Hunt, we headed back to our house to dye easter eggs with Heath's family. We had so much fun! I love that Ella is now to the age where she is getting really into to stuff that we do together. She is a blast.

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